Creating a view
Click > Assets > .
If the required widgets are not displayed:
.The Edit view dialog box opens.
Activate the display of the widgets that you need and deactivate the display of the widgets that you do not need in the display.
If the view should contain search criteria: Set the search criteria in the widgets.
Optional: For multilingual attributes, set which language to search.
Optional: Set the sort order.
.The Edit view dialog box opens.
Enter a name for this view in the top field (maximum 255 characters).
Optional: Activate the View is public checkbox if you want to make the view available to other users.
Optional: Activate the This is my default view. checkbox if you want to use the view whenever you start the module Media Pool.
Click Save.
You have now created the view. To change the view, open the drop-down list located on the top left of the start page, next to the page title Assets.